We are located in Southern California and remain fully operational to support our customers during this time. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the LA fires, and we are keeping all those impacted in our thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for your continued support.
We Accept PO's from Fortune 1000 Companies, Government Agencies (Federal, State, Local), Defense (Military, Air Force, Navy), Universities, Schools and Colleges.
We are located in Southern California and remain fully operational to support our customers during this time. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the LA fires, and we are keeping all those impacted in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your continued support.
We Accept PO's from Fortune 1000 Companies, Government Agencies (Federal, State, Local), Defense (Military, Air Force, Navy), Universities, Schools and Colleges.

Privacy Policy

Information We Collect

Memory4Less, Inc. (the "Company") is the sole owner of all the information collected on Memory4Less.com (the "Site"). We do not sell, share, or rent this information to any third party except as outlined in this policy.

The information we collect from our customers is solely to process their orders and is used to better serve and provide our customers relevant information, such order confirmation, order status updates, and to provide the customer with information on products or services that are available from us or affiliates associated with us. We may also use such information to better understand the shopping experiences of individual customers or conduct research about customer buying habits.

Information collected includes customer names, billing and shipping addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses, payment information such as customer credit card numbers (to process orders).

We require customers to provide a username (please use your email address) and a password of their choice to allow future access to account information. To protect and safeguard your username and password and to ensure it remains confidential, please do not share this information with anyone.

If you elect to receive our promotional materials, surveys, and newsletters, we will use the contact information you have provided to deliver this information to you. Although you may elect to not receive newsletters, promotional materials, or surveys, we may still need to send you other transactional information for maintenance and update of your customer relationship with us.

Examples of such communications would be: changes to policies; changes to our methods of conducting business; a request for you to review and update information we have on file for you; or information regarding any previous transactions with us.

We may have aggregated and gathered information on customers from third-party sources, such as marketing databases made available for commercial purchase. Our use of all such information will comply with applicable laws and any limitations imposed on us by the third-party providing such information but not necessarily this privacy statement.

Information obtained in the registration process..

In order for you to place an order on our Site, and for us to process the order you placed on our Site, you will first need to complete the ''New Account Registration'' form. Here, you will be required to provide your contact information, including your name, billing and shipping addresses, email address, telephone and fax numbers. This information will also be used to provide you with important updates regarding your order status, including shipping and tracking information.

Ordering Process..

The information that is collected during the registration process will also be used to process your order. In addition to this, during the order placement process, you will have to provide financial information, such as your credit card number, expiration date, CSV code, wire transfer, purchase order, money order and check information. This information is essential and is used for billing purposes only to fulfill your order.

If we encounter any problems or trouble processing your order, we will use the contact information you provided us to get in touch with you to confirm your information. In order to complete and process your order request, we must share your personal and financial information with the merchant bank for authorization and approval. This entire process is encrypted and is protected by an enhanced security system. Please review the security section below for more details on security measures and procedures.

Use of Cookies.

In order to provide a more relevant experience to our customers, some of our webpages are customized for you based on the information we collect through cookies. This may include information such as your browser type.

You may elect to disable cookies in your browser. You will still be able to browse the store but will be unable to use the shopping cart to enter an order or buy any merchandise. Memory4Less shopping cart cannot function without enabled cookies. Hence, it is necessary that you enable cookies in your browser to provide us with the necessary information to accept, retain and collect order details given by you.

If you choose to disable cookies, Memory4Less will be unable to accept your online order. We do not share any personally identifiable information submitted while you are on the Site with any third party. Only in the event of abuse of the Site, we may need to provide information to proper law enforcement authorities. Please refer to our Site Access Rights and License section of TCUS.

Some of our business partners, affiliates, manufacturers and advertisers may use cookies on our Site. We have no access or control over these cookies. This privacy statement covers the use of cookies by Memory4Less and does not cover the use of cookies by third parties on our Site.

Use of Log Files

Against every visit on the Site, the IP address of the user gets recorded in Log Files. We use IP addresses to determine and analyze trends, track user movement and user interest, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use.

We do not link IP addresses to personally identifiable information and we do not distribute or share IP information with any third parties. Please review TCUS for Site Access Rights and License for allowable use of Site.

Third parties who may get your information...

In order to process your orders and conduct business, we must employ services of third-party companies to perform some of the functions, such as shipping, order tracking, credit card processing, postal and email delivery, data analysis, marketing assistance, order fulfillment and package delivery.

These third-party associates we contract with have limited access to your personal information and may not use it for any other purpose. Among such third-party alliances, four are mentioned below:

As our business evolves and business environment changes, we may acquire or sell business units or subsidiaries. Customer information is one of the business assets that would be transferred in these types of transactions. In situations such as these, your personally identifiable information would only be used in a manner consistent with our existing Privacy Policy.

If you volunteer information...

You may choose to volunteer information or create a public profile when participating in the community section of the Site. This may include sharing product reviews, opinions, forums, chat, files, photo sharing, or other forms of public communication and interaction tools. In these circumstances, you agree to allow certain aspects of this personally identifiable information to be made public. This information may include your screen name, any images or personal information that you have agreed to share in the sections to be posted and made public.

The Site provides a platform for the user community to post helpful information to assist other users in their purchase and for you to share your positive experiences with Memory4Less, (the "Company"). The testimonials are moderated to ensure that the postings are accurate, positive and genuine. The Company reserves the right to edit, alter and to remove any personal information entered, statements that may be a violation of law, or statements that may infringe the rights of the Company or other third-party associates. The Company reserves the right to post or remove any testimonial at their sole discretion.

By posting your testimonial(s) or comment(s) ("Testimonial") on the Site, you give us permission to reprint and use the Testimonial in connection with our business (including but not limited to the marketing and selling of various products and services as well as the marketing of the Company).

You also agree to the following:

  • The reprint or use of the Testimonial will be at our sole discretion and without compensation to you;
  • We may use the Testimonial with or without any pseudo (pen) name credit;
  • Our right to use the Testimonial is perpetual and may be assigned by us;
  • We may use the Testimonial locally, nationally, and globally, and this use may be made in any media, information or communication method (including internet advertising) currently in use or later developed;
  • You must post the Testimonial yourself and not have some else post it for you;
  • Any of the Company's affiliates, partners, parents, and subsidiaries are allowed to use the Testimonial in the same manner as set forth herein, but in relation to their respective businesses and websites;
  • The Company may edit, alter such Testimonial to remove personal information, statements that may be in violation of law, or statements that may infringe on the rights of the Company or third parties;

Other than any pseudo (pen) name used by you, which we may or may not use, your personal contact information will not be disclosed in connection with any reprint or use of your Testimonial.

You may choose to refer us to your friends, family or colleagues....

Our users have supported us since 1986, giving us the chance to serve you today. We sincerely thank everyone for their continued support.

You can also use our referral service to invite and inform friends, family and colleagues about Memory4Less.com. In our section “Refer a Friend”, we will ask you for your friend's name and email address. We will automatically send your friend a one-time email, inviting him or her to visit our Site Memory4Less.com.

Use of Site by children...

The Site is not intended for use by children. Memory4Less does not sell products for purchase by children. Youth-oriented products listed on the Site are meant for purchase by adults only.

If you are under the age of 18 years, you may only use Memory4Less.com (the “Site”) in the presence of a consenting parent or guardian. We will not, knowingly or intentionally, collect information via the Internet from children aged 13 years or under.

At Memory4Less we are committed to the protection, welfare and privacy of children.

Linking to external sites...

The Site does contain links to sites outside of Memory4Less.com domain. Please be aware that the Company will not be responsible, in any circumstances, for the privacy practices of such other linked sites.

We encourage the users of the Site to be aware when they leave our Site and to read the privacy policy statements of each and every website they visit that collects their personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies only to the information collected by Memory4Less website.

We recommend you use a security enabled browser...

The Company recommends that you use a security-enabled browser (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer version 2.1 or greater, or Netscape Navigator version 2.0 or greater). The information you send to us regarding your purchase is encrypted, making it extremely difficult to read even if it is wrongly intercepted. You can tell that you are in a secure environment when the key at the bottom left of the page is complete. When the key is complete, the information is encrypted and cannot be accessed by anyone else. If your browser does not support secure transactions, any information that you send may be viewable by others.

The Company takes extreme precautions to protect customer’s information. We follow strict policies, procedures and guidelines to protect the personal information you submit to us via the website.

When you enter your personal information into the New Customer Registration Form, such as your credit card number, this information is encrypted and is protected with the best encryption software currently available in the industry - SSL. The Site utilizes industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to facilitate the encryption of critically sensitive information like your credit card number. To learn more about SSL, please follow this link to Thawte.

All Company servers, including web servers and database servers are housed and maintained in secure locations. Access to database is monitored and protected from all external access. Internet access is restricted and protected by multiple firewalls. Only personnel with proper security clearance are given access to the restricted areas.

Today's Specials and Offers...

“Today's Specials” are posted daily on the Site. From time to time, we send updated offers to the customers who have granted us permission to send and share such information.

We honor the privacy of our customers and offer the option to opt-out of any of these types of offerings or communications. At the time of order placement, you are automatically opted-in to receive offerings and communications. You may, at this time, opt to not receive special offers by unchecking the appropriate field.

In addition to all specials offered to you via email, we include an opt-out link if you no longer wish to receive special offers from the Company. Please also review our “Promotion Material Opt-In/Opt-Out” section for more information.

You may always review and update your information...

Customers can review, update and change personal information, such as their address or phone numbers, at any time by accessing the ''My Account'' section of the Site. You will need your username and password to access your account online.

In case you forget both your username and your password, you can click on “Forgot Password” to retrieve your account. Alternatively, you can contact our customer service at [email protected] or call us at 1-800-821-3354 and we will be happy to assist.

You can Opt-Out at anytime....

If you wish to Opt-Out of and stop receiving alerts, special offers, promotional materials, newsletters or Today's Specials from Memory4Less, there are several ways to do so.

You may uncheck the field "Add to Subscriber List" during registration process.

You may also send us an email at [email protected] with a request to be removed from the subscriber list.

In addition to this, all Memory4Less communications have a link at the bottom; click to unsubscribe.

Changes to Privacy Policy...

Memory4Less, Inc. reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy Statement at any time. Customers are requested to review this area frequently in order to remain abreast with the latest policies.