The name 'Intel Pentium' is known to all. Even though it is not used frequently by the tech community anymore, there are a lot of enthusiasts who still go for the good old Pentium processors for quality.
There are a number of applications that work easily on a Pentium. To name a few, they're a popular choice for gaming servers around the world, even for multiple player games. You'll be surprised to know how many games still run on Pentium processors.
An Intel G series Pentium processor (with all features included) costs under $200. On the other hand, multi-core processors of the same specifications can cost you over $500.
They're perfect for those who need a processor for a specific project, such as a gaming server, file sharing server, or anything else that meets the requirements.
Experience brilliant PC performance with Intel Pentium processors. The Intel Pentium processors can not only boost performance but also enhance HD gaming experience.
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